A spell taught to me by my mom, to enchant an object. You will need: A White Candle
Himalayan Salt Cleanse the candle with the salt (by sprinkling a little in your left hand, put your item in your right hand)
Say : "Asking my angels to clear any negative energy from myself, my surroundings or this salt." (you can also say history, ancestors, etc.)
Wait a few minutes, then pour the salt into the white candle. (only half the salt, keep a little)
Light the candle, then take your object you want charmed, pour the other half onto/into your item, then say the same chant.
Then ask that it be charmed so you can use it to your own magic, and it will bring you luck during your rituals and magic.
Example: "Dear angels, I ask that this object be charmed so it may assist me in my rituals and magic." there you go!
Be careful with the candle and salt.