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The Toxic Side of The Witchy Community + Advice for Baby Witches

Writer: snowpagansnowpagan

'Baby Witch' is a term used to describe a beginner witch who is new to the witchcraft community. Thusly, most elder witches (or other witches who can qualify as mentors) do a good job looking out for the baby witches, to make sure that no false information is spread and that they remain safe in their craft.

But, unfortunately, I only said most. Some elder witches take it upon themselves to completely gate-keep the entire witchcraft community and bully younger witches for just being 'new'.

I have seen this happen quite a few times- and have even seen Admins of popular witchcraft pages act like they know everything about witchcraft, and try to push their own skewed views on newer witches.

Let's say this louder for the people in the back: Witchcraft is not a one-size-fits-all journey!

Everybody has, and will have, their own experience in witchcraft. Sure, a little mentoring and advice won't hurt, but no matter what, you will always walk down your own unique path of witchcraft, even if you try to copy someone else's work.

Like, let's look at clairvoyance; most people would look at that word and call BS, but if it was such a lie, why do we have professional Psychics who get paid to do that very thing?

Just because you can't possess a certain skill doesn't mean that it doesn't exist; it just means your unique and your true skill has yet to make itself known.

Plus, pushing yourself too hard is going to make it more difficult for your born 'power' to arise.

Energy can be focused and bent in any way that a practiced and powerful witch can think of. This is why we have things like Weather Magick, which uses the host's energy to summon, say, a thunderstorm; and yes, there are credible results.

Of course, due to the immense amount of energy you'd have to put on yourself, there are common side effects, like a headache or nausea, but it still works, so yay, right?

Well, watch out for witches who seem like wise elders who are NOT credible in that regard.

The very same 'witches' who say that it is possible to cause a thunderstorm with your energy are the same people who will straight-up bully you if you try to say that pyrokinesis/telekinesis can be learned and sufficiently used. (Of course, they have their own views, but it's still rude to try to force them upon other witches.)

Of course, I believe that with the right amount of intent, confidence, and overall power and practice, you can do both of those things, and maybe even more, but I'm sure people would say I'm too far in my head.

But don't listen to them! If you can summon your energy into a psi ball, you can summon it to do honestly whatever.

And where I was going with my initial point, was, I've also seen some elder witches tell other elder witches that pyrokinesis is real, while they turn to a baby witch and tell them it's fake. Imagine bullying someone into thinking that they have no power, just because they've only been a witch for 3 months! Anyways, a little advice for newer/baby witches; DON'T listen to the gatekeepers, and it's okay to have your own views. If you think certain things are real, and others fake, then that's okay! Cause it's your own journey.



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