DISCLAIMER: This spell is not a hex. This is merely just a Karmic Reversal, which means that any bad luck that has been sent to you by a person purposefully, will be reversed and returned to sender, therefore the bad energy will leave you in the process.
I would recommend saging or cleansing your house after you perform this spell though, just to get rid of any lingering bad energy.
This spell may also contain chants and incantations used in other spells from online, so I hereby give credit to those who created any chants that are used in this spell.
Supplies needed:
Photo of bad person
Black thread
Take the photo of the person that you wish to return the bad energy to sender to.
Write on the back of the photo,
“You have wronged me and hurt me. May this spell take all the bad karma, energy, and vibes that you have sent upon me, and reverse it back onto you. May you learn a lesson on how karma works and may you hurt nobody else. All this bad karma that you have sent to me will be removed and sent to you instead. So mote it be.”
Fold photo and wrap it in the black thread.
While wrapping it, say
“I bind you, (persons name), may you not send anymore negativity to me, my family, or my friends, and may you hurt nobody else including me, my family or my friends, so mote it be.”
Place folded and wrapped photo with writing in fireproof pot.
Set photo on fire, while burning, say: “(persons name), you are Karma's problem now, may all the bad karma and negativity that you have sent to me be sent back to you. May karma unfold on you, and may you experience all the pain and hurt you have put me through, and then may you not hurt anyone else. So mote to be on to thee!”
Take the ashes of burned photo and flush them down toilet. Imagine all the negativity being cleansed from your body and imagine a soft aura of peace and protection surrounding you.